
Monday, August 21, 2017


Today is a day to honor Danyelaa Johnson for being FABULOUS I AM!!! 

Danyelaa is an amazing woman, to start off, she is beautiful, smart, definitely has a sense of style and most of all a great mother.  Danyelaa at one time was overweight and she beat that battle.... for the past few years she has kept the weight off and has stayed in shape with her healthy eating habits. 

I am honored to call her fabulous, as that is what she is... 
Along her journey, she has accomplished many things, as she continues to move forward working on her dreams and goals. She has achieved success as a model as she is currently working on her own clothing line. One that is for men & women of all ages that are classy & sexy but also has an empowering appeal to it as well. This has been an inspiration from her late father who passed when she was just 10 years of age. His love for fashion remains a passion of her's to keep alive. Just as his name also reflects the name of her company & line. 

Although Danyelaa did not realize how much work is put into building your own brand and company she still believes in her dreams and is going to make it work, regardless of the roadblocks she may come across.  So she has started taking some small business classes to increase her knowledge. 
There is much work to be done when building your own brand and label and when you are first starting out you think you can do it alone but the fact remains it takes a team to build an empire. 

Danyelaa believes ( the number 1 thing you must do, believe in self)  & in her products as she is designing apparel, furniture, home goods, body products and more...  Her all time goal is to see her brand in all major stores/household's as she wants her son to enjoy a fantastic future to be able to live off her and her father's legacy. 
Go head gurl, that's def inspiring! 

That is pretty FABULOUS & that is why I am honoring you FABULOUS I AM!!!

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