
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Traditions st Petersburg Florida

 Traditions is a school of herbal medicine in St Petersburg Florida.

Mr Bob Lordes is the owner & herbal specialist & Ms Tracy Penoke (owner of Blue Raven Collective) hosts her drum circle & full moon markets at this location twice a month.   It is so very spiritual, soooo full of power & the energy is simply amazing to say the least. I got together with Bob for a interview of exactly what goes on there.  I got so much information in such a short Lil time.  He does a herb walk & tells all about each wild grown plant on the grounds & how it helps the human body.  Bob is so very knowledgeable about everything there & he also grows his own herbs & plants at the facility.  This footage is very RAW & uncut as I was having a few difficulties with my editing process but I wanted to get this info out for those of you interested in living a better, more natural & healthier lifestyle. 

local vendors are there with their hand made crafts.  

You can check out my YouTube channel

Bob also has a YouTube channel & you can subscribe & follow him 

Tracy Penoke @ ⬇️

Blue Raven Collective


Monday, August 21, 2023

Awesome weekend

 So much got accomplished over this weekend... It started out Friday night @blueravencollective women's ascension market down in St Petersburg Florida.  The market is hosted by a fabulous women


What she has put together is just simply amazing to say the least.  

Many various talented,  independent women, whom all create their own crafts, & are for purchase either on their website,  online stores or maybe just promotion on their socials.  

Once the edit is complete I will post on my YouTube,  blog podcast etc etc etc... so make sure you check them awesome women out! 

So make sure you check out the buzz about them on my podcast,  YouTube channel or any of my 


Digital business card


Saturday, August 5, 2023

  July 14th 2023 

This was a great experience for me I had the pleasure of interviewing some FABULOUS women at this feminine ascension market in St Petersburg Florida. The host & coordinator Tracy Penokie holds these events & puts them together once a month to female collective entrepreneurs. These events are awesome, there was a female DJ spinnin some musik that was absolutely amazing & totally fir the energy of the event. The vendors are all some creative artists who create their own crafts to either sell them online or to attend street markets as such to sell their products. The entire event is full of humans who want to do better for humanity filled with peace love & happiness. There is a guy who was actually writing on the ground with street chalk....LOVE. It was a great time as I also had the pleasure of learning of each one of these women, how they got into their craft, and also about their amazing products. Everyone is in tune with each other because we all share the same understanding THAT WE ARE ALL 1. 

Here is my YOUTUBE channel & a look into what it feels like to have a great vibe where everyone is out for PEACE. No hatred, no drama or chaos. Just pure love of 1 another & accepting others as they are. 

I'm excited for the next one. 

but if you can be kind to like, share, subscribe to my channel you will get to see allot more to come your way.    


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Fabulous I AM

 Welcome to my blog I would like to start by saying thank you for taking the time out of your day & busy schedule to give my stories a read.  Greatly appreciated. 

I came up with Fabulous I AM quite a few years ago, I also came up with the acronym for Fabulous as :









(Once you get a clear understanding of WHO you are,  the possibilities are limitless) 

Alot has happened in this past years that I do not wish to dwell on, but here we are today,  I am here to speak on it.  There was so much more of life's issues I had to go through in order to be able to be where I am today.  I am here & i know my purpose,  which is to guide the way to enlighten others & inspire them to live their best life ever.  

I have always been a multi talented creator with plenty of value to offer you & the marketplace. I just wasn't ready yet. Now I am finally ready to take that leap, breaking out of my comfort zone & also break my fears  (fears = false evidence appears real) so I can do what I was put on this earth to do.

There's no such thing as a coincidence & there's also time & place for everything....

Story time:  

This year has been a year so far with all the full moons & the shifts in the universe.  I can only speak on my own self because that is all it only is.... 1 being = SELF. 

It seems as more & more people are beginning to wake up & realize their state of consciousness, which is a great thing.  I actually had a kundalini awakening on (Friday July 13th 2012)(the day my life changed forever) (this past Thursday was my 11 year anniversary) the number 11 is a very significant number to me also.  At the time of this major event happening in my life,  I couldn't explain it. All I knew was I touched my 3rd eye,  but this was something sooo extreme, I couldn't put into words.  I just know the downloads were so powerful & very overwhelming.  

For me to share this experience with anyone they all just thought I was crazy or on some hallucinogenic drugs, THIS WAS SO REAL & UNLIKE ANYTHING I'VE EVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE.  This has stayed on my mind for all these years because it was so drastic.  1 of the major things in it was for me to get outta there.  To leave Jersey & go start over elsewhere.  So I did,  I mean really,  how can I NOT listen when God was speaking directly to me... ?  I was also shown all my dreams would come true & all my businesses would come alive at the same time,  only thing,  I had to leave there. I came to Florida. 

Now fast forward.... 11 years later.  I ended up meeting up with my twin flame 🔥.  (Will speak on that in another story)

So with all that's going on in the universe, that happens... what that does for those of you who don't know... it will enlighten you to go on your own journey of your spiritual awakening. OMG something else unlike anything else I've ever experienced in my life.  All for good of course. It causes you to look deep inside yourself & heal all your past traumas, hurts, pains,  of your past.  All so you can embrace your new life.  I cannot go into a new positive life living with all those past traumas unhealed. This awakening has been going on for about the last 3 months. It has taught me to love myself unconditionally.  

Thursday, July 27, 2017

FABULOUS I AM... Melissa Alvarez

Ms. Melissa Alvarez, YOU get the honor today to be congratulated as FABULOUS I AM...
I think you are much of an inspiration to women as you create and make your OWN arts & crafts, You have a design in mind and you create that by putting pieces together to whatever design you have and bring that to life... THAT'S AWESOME! And TALENT.
Melissa has always been a creative girl since she is very young in age, she actually said she used to make stools for her Barbie dolls out of the plastic from Flintstone push up pops...(for those of us who are old enough to know what they are LOL)  I bet at that age she never thought her talents would take her anywhere, But here she is today being humbled by her success. She has worked as a bartender, server, managing restaurants, and even a nanny while she worked towards her own goals & dreams.  Crafting products can be quite expensive once you start going with them, Anyone who does this type of work for a living knows, so she still manages to work part time to help support herself and those talents. She has been doing events to showcase her hidden treasures along with utilizing social media to market her products...
I have seen her work and sometimes someone can take the simplest thing like a plain hair piece and create it into something beautiful. That neither you or I would have captured the beauty by looking at it, You are quite Fabulous, continue with your dreams and make them come alive just as you do your work.